
5 Common Office Design Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

Written by Truspace | Dec 9, 2017 4:59:27 AM

The art of office design is no easy feat. There are many factors to be taken into consideration and details to be organized, leaving little room for costly errors.

A job done well ensures an engaging, productive environment is created for all who inhabit it. Likewise, a poorly executed design plan is sure to have negative effects on both business and employee alike.

Listed below are a few common mistakes that are often made and how to avoid them.

1. Poor Lighting

Lack of focus, eye strain, headaches, drowsiness, minimal motivation.. All symptoms of a poorly lit work environment. One of the most common office design mistakes to be sure, improper lighting can have some real negative side effects on employees and overall workplace vitality.

The most ideal solution, natural light– Nature’s vitamin D candy.  Scientifically proven to boost productivity, happiness, good health and tranquility. If possible, utilize as much natural light adorned space as you can in the office.

Arrange employees desks/cubicles near windows and skylights. And don’t fret if your office space is not endowed with windows upon windows. Having a combination of different light sources, both natural and artificial, will help balance your office space’s light needs throughout the entire work day. Always take care to avoid lighting that is either too dim or too harsh

2. Improper Storage

A place for everything and everything in it’s place.

Words to live by. Having the proper storage solutions can be an office’s saving grace when it comes to maintaining order, streamlining performance and keeping employees focused. Often times, disorganization and clutter can cause distraction in the workplace leaving those who who occupy it feeling frazzled, unfocused and mismanaged. Not only that, but imagine what your appearance says about your company? Perception is reality. A disorganized space presents a disorganized image.

Stylish storage cabinets, shelving systems and drawer units, arranged in a professional manner are just a few basic ways to conserve office space and keep things tip-top and organized.

3. Style & Cost Over Comfort

Sure, that new office desk chair was a steal of a deal, and that reception area sofa is totally on trend color-wise– but are they comfortable?

Too often, companies are more inclined to opt for a really good deal or a certain style trend with the best intentions of keeping things modern and saving money where it can be saved. Meanwhile, functionality and comfort are compromised.


The number one focus is to obtain furniture that aims to satisfy and support your employees comfort throughout the day. Nothing beats a good pair of shoes– likewise, a comfortable desk chair! The same can be applied to the reception area furniture and designated coffee lounge as well.

4. Misused Reception Area Seating

While the reception area is not so much intended for your employees, the comfort of your guests is equally important as well. Avoid seating that is too low to the ground as elderly or disabled visitors can have a difficult time with it.

In most waiting area situations, individual chairs as opposed to sofa seating is a much better option. Having a sofa in the reception area might seem like a welcoming idea, but most times individuals prefer not to sit with strangers and therefore perfectly good seating space goes misused.

5. Misused Reception Area Seating

With so many design tools and idea boards available at our fingertips these days, it can be a daunting challenge to narrow in on a cohesive design theme that makes sense and represents your office space in the best way possible. Paint color, flooring, decor, furniture selection, layout… It very quickly becomes one big giant mess of decisions that can produce under/overwhelming results.

Enlist The Help Of A Design Build Specialist

Do your office a favor and avoid going the DIY route.  It is a professional design specialist’s sole purpose to create workplace masterpieces. They are equipped with the latest office design knowledge, have a solid understanding of spatial planning and safety requirements, and can make all facets from floor to ceiling, come together in a cohesive, aesthetically pleasing manner. As well, their focused vision and expertise are more likely to save you time and money in the process!

Contact us today by using the form below and learn how we can help you create an inspiring commercial design build that will bring new energy to your business.